Your Brain Hemispheric Preference

The Brain Hemispheric Preference Assessment

"a" "b"를 고르세요. 두개 다 해당되면 "a+b" 이렇게 고르세요.

1. Close your eyes. See red. What do you see?

a. the letters r-e-d or nothing because you could not visualize it.
b. the color red or a red object.

2. Close your eyes. See three. What do you see?

a. the letters t-h-r-e-e, or the number 3, or perhaps nothing because you could not visualize it.
b. three animals, people, or objects.

3. If you play music or sing:

a. you cannot play by ear and must read notes.
b. you can play by ear if you need to.

4. When you put something together:

a. you need to read and follow written directions.
b. you can use pictures and diagrams or just jump in and do it without using direction.

5. When someone is talking to you:

a. you pay more attention to words and tune out their nonverbal communication.
b. you pay more attention to nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions, body language, and tones of voice.

6. You are better at:

a. working with letters, numbers, and words.
b. working with color, shapes, pictures, and objects.

7. When you read fiction, do you:

a. hear the words being read alound in your head?
b. see the book played as a movie in your head?

8. Which hand do you write with?

a. right hand.
b. left hand.

9. When doing a math problem, which way is easiest for you?

a. to work it out in the form of numbers and words.
b. to draw it out, work it out using hands-on materials, or use your fingers.

10. Do you prefer to:

a. talk about your ideas?
b. do something with real objects?

11. How do you keep your room or your desk?

a. neat and organized.
b. messy or disorganized to others, but you know where everything is.

12. If no one is telling you what to do, which is more like you?

a. you do things on a schedule and stick to it.
b. you do things at the last minute or in your own time, and/or want to keep working even when time is up.

13. If no one were telling you what to do:

a. you would usually be on time.
b. you would often be late.

14. You like to read a book or magazine:

a. from front to back
b. from back to front or by skipping around.

15. Which describes you best?

a. you like to tell and hear about events with all the details told in order.
b. you like to tell the main point of an event, and when others are telling you about an event you get restless if they do not get to the main idea quickly.

16. When you do a puzzle or project, do you:

a. do it well without seeing the finished product first?
b. need to see the finished product before you can do it?

17. Which method of organizing notes do you like best:

a. outlining or listing things in order.
b. making a mind map, or web, with connected circles

18. When you are given instructions to make something, if given the choice, would you:

a. prefer to follow the instructions?
b. prefer to think of new ways to do it and try it a different way?

19. When you sit at a desk, do you:

a. sit up straight?
b. slouch or lean over your desk, lean back in your chair to be comfortable, or stay partly out of the seat?

20. Which describles you best?

a. you spell words and write numbers correctly mist of the time.
b. you sometimes mix up letters or numbers or write some words, letters, or numbers in reverse order or backward.

21. Which is more like you?

a. you speak words correctly and in the right order.
b. you sometimes mix up words in a sentence or say a different one than what you mean, but you know what you mean.

22. You usually:

a. stick to a topic when talking to people.
b. change the topic to something else you thought of related to it.

23. You like to:

a. make palns and stick to them.
b. decide things at the last minute, go with the flow, or do what you feel like at the moment.

24. You like to do:

a. art projects in which you follow directions or step-by-step instructions.
b. art projects that give you freedom to create what you want.

25. You like:

a. to play music or sing based on written music or what you learned from others.
b. create your own music, tunes, or songs.

26. You like:

a. sports that have step-by-step instructions or rules.
b. sports that allow you to move freely without rules.

27. You like to:

a. work step-by-step, in order, until you get to the end product.
b. see the whole picture or end product first and then go back and work the steps.

28. Which describes you the best?

a. you think about facts and events that really happened.
b. you think in an imaginative and inventive way about what could happen or what could be created in the future.

29. You know things because:

a. you learn from the world, other people, or reading.
b. you know them intuitively, and you can't explain how or why you know.

30. You like to:

a. stick to facts.
b. imagine what could be.

31. You usually:

a. keep track of time.
b. lose track of time.

32. You are:

a. good at reading nonverbal communication.
b. not good at reading nonverbal communication.

33. You are:

a. better at directions given verbally or in writing.
b. better at directions given with pictures or maps.

34. You are better at:

a. being creative with existing materals and putting them together in a new way.
b. inventing or producing what is new and never existed.

35. You usually work on:

a. one project at a time, in order.
b. many projucts at the same time.

36. In which of the following environments would you prefer to work?

a. a structured envirnoment where everything is orderly, someone is telling you what to do, a time schedule is kept, and you do one project at a time, step-by-step, and in order.
b. an unstructured envirnoment where you have freedom of choice and movement to work on what you want, where you can be as creative and imaginateves as you wnat, keep your belongings any way you want, and do as many projects as you wish simultaneously, without any set time schedule.

Socring Instructions

Socre 1 point for each question you answered with only "a" and write the tatal:
Socre 1 point for each question you answered with only "b" and write the tatal:
Socre 1 point for each question you answered both "a" and "b"(tied score) and write the total:

If your highest score is in category "a", you show a preference for using the left hemisphere of brain.

If your highest score is in category "b", you show a preference for using the right hemisphere of brain.

If your highest score is in the tied category, you show an integrated use of both sides of the brain.

If you had almost the same number of checks for "a" and "b"(not including the tied column), then you may have a mixed preference and are using each side of the brain for different functions.
If you there are one or two more checks in either side "a" and "b", then you have a mixed preference favoring the right hemisphere or a mixed preference favoring the left.

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